Apr 3, 2017
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Syska Personal Care Devices from Rs. 350 [30% OFF] – Amazon

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Wide Collection of Syska Personal Care Devices at Amazon.in

If you really want to upkeep and maintain your Syska Personal Care Devices are a must-have. They can be used on facial hair, body hair, as well as being adaptable for use on hair on top of the head. There are a number of different styles of clippers and trimmers available online at Amazon India. Even though they perform similar functions, there are differences between clippers and trimmers in the way they cut hair and in their grooming purposes. Amazon India is home to a number of grooming products for men and women, especially hair clippers and trimmers from brands like Philips, Panasonic, Bi-feather, Nova, AGARO, Gillette and a lot more. Before buying a hair trimmer or clipper online at Amazon India, remember to read the instruction booklet meticulously to seek out information regarding the kit and the variety of attachments that come with the product and knowing how to use them.

Buy: Syska Personal Care Appliances | More Personal Care Appliances

Turn professional with the best trimming kit at home

If you are someone with short hair who needs frequent haircuts, or a hair stylists or professional, consider purchasing a quality electric trimmer or clipper online at Amazon India. Hair trimmers and clippers are the best and inexpensive to keep your hair clean and well maintained. These are useful tools to get a variety of short, layered haircuts for men and they opt to purchase one that they can easily use at home. Families often prefer buying a clipper or a trimmer to do at-home cuts for kids, and even women with short hairstyles can make use of a hair trimmer, particularly for cleaning up the neck. Hair trimmers themselves are electrically operated machines, most with a power cord. Some models are cordless, using a rechargeable battery as the power source. The trimmer contains a motor inside a plastic handle that is insulated to prevent overheating of the unit. The motor moves very small blades against each other quickly in a side-to-side motion. This motion cuts the hair. Most blades are made of stainless steel, although ceramic blades can be found. Many trimmers have adjustable blades, while others depend on attachments to create different hair lengths; some offer both options. Whereas clippers tend to be used for longer hair, such as shaving heads, trimmers are generally used for the more subtle forms of male grooming. Trimmers are popular for grooming beards and straightening lines of hair, in order to keep a certain level of neatness.

Buy: • Syska Female Precision Trimmer FT003 Rs. 350
• Syska Nose Hair Trimmer NT7806 Rs. 628
• Syska Female Precision and Bikini Trimmer FT3108 Rs. 664

Components that make up your grooming tools

The clippers and trimmers at Amazon India come in a variety of shapes and sizes. While all of them tend to be designed to fit perfectly into the hand of the user, they do come in different widths and lengths. Trimmers that are designed for straightening and tidying up facial and body hair may be smaller in size, enabling the user to perform smaller and subtler movements without causing any damage to the skin. Whereas, larger clippers are available that suit a wider range of movements when the likes of head shaving is involved. The blades on clippers and trimmers are the same, at least in their design. Trimmer blades tend to be smaller to allow for smaller adjustments on facial hair, whereas clipper blades tend to be bigger in order to cover for a larger surface area. Most clippers and trimmers will have a power button to turn the product on and off and to start and stop the blades from working. This allows for them to change angles without having to risk unnecessary shaving accidents. Most power buttons are placed on the side of the body of the clipper or trimmer to allow for easy access.

Buy: • Syska Hair Dryer HD1605 Rs. 805
• Syska Super Glam Hair Straightener HS6811 Rs. 874
• Syska Hair and Beard Trimmer HT1883 Rs. 1048
• Syska Acu Sharp Reciprocating Shaver SHR626 Rs. 1469
• Syska Shaver SH0360 Rs. 1539
• Syska Silk Touch Female Shaver FS1088 Rs. 1889

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