Jan 6, 2023
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Stratzy Referral code OYA7Z42 for ₹202 digital gold bonus

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The latest Stratzy referral code is OYA7Z42 and you can apply the code for a new user bonus and refer and earn ₹202 in digital gold and coins for a spin and win daily.

The Stratzy app is trusted by 50k+ users in India.

Stratzy Referral Code

Before clicking on the final step of complete signup, you can enter the Stratzy app referral code OYA7Z42 and unlock your referral bonus.

📊 Stratzy referral codeOYA7Z42
🔖 EligibilityNew users only
🎁 Referral Earnings
Yes, ₹202 digital gold + 100 coins
📅 Expires on31-12-2023
🗄 AppStratzy
📱 PlatformsAndroid, iOS
🤵🏻‍♂️ KYC Required?e-KYC
🇮🇳 CountryIndia
🔖 Parent companyStratzy PTE

Overview of the Stratzy app

Are you confused about where to invest? BSE, NSE, Small-cap, mid-cap, or large-cap? Don’t have enough time to research about best-performing stocks and equities daily? Stratzy is an ideal platform for you to manage and find the best packages to invest in based on your style.


Stratzy is an online platform that lets users pick from our collection of curated strategies and ideas for investing. Ideas posted on Stratzy are reviewed through our staff. The user is able to purchase the ideas available on Stratzy by a swipe and benefit from the advantages of direct investment.

How to start investing with Straz with a bonus

  1. Download the Stratzy app from the play store or app store and open the app.
  2. Click on the signup button at the bottom of the page and enter your email id and click on the signup button.
  3. referral-code
  4. Verify your email address with the one-time code that will be sent to your inbox. You may feel that the button is not clickable and in that case, you will have to wait for a few seconds.
  5. After successfully verifying your email address, enter your name and mobile number and verify it with a one-time code sent via SMS or WhatsApp.
  6. Stratzy-app
  7. Now, you can enter the Stratzy referral code OYA7Z42 on the little popup at the bottom of your screen and redeem your new user bonus.
  8. Your signup process is now complete and you can explore the different features and options available inside the application.

Benefits of the App

  • Risk-free returns that are consistent. Stratzy carefully selects strategies to invest that earn you consistent returns over time and keep you in your comfort zone with regard to risk.
  • Your money remains in your account – You are in complete control and control over your funds. You can decide to redeem your money at any time.
  • Auto Investments- Automated implementation of strategies for investing eliminates the hassle of managing your own investment.
  • Transparency- Keep track of your investments in real-time. You can review your portfolio any time through your smartphone or on your web-based dashboard.

Frequently asked questions about Stratzy app

What is the latest referral code of Stratzy investment app?

Answer: The referral code OYA7Z42 can be used to receive the referral bonus from the app.

How to track your investments in the app?

Answer: You can see a summary of the strategies’ performance by using the dashboard. To get into the details look into your order books section. In addition, you will receive weekly and daily updates on the investment strategy you have chosen.


Who implements those investment ideas and strategies?

Answer: The Stratzy in-house researchers with decades of expertise and experience from leading financial firms and advisories.

Is the Stratzy app for free?

Answer: As of now the Stratzy app is free and soon they might introduce subscription-based plans.

What is Stratzy club?

Your investment life can be now social and more fun with friends. You can create your club with friends and have an engaging game of investments together with the Stratzy club.

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Referral code

Digital investor | Tech Enthusiast | Developer | Blogger | Nomad. I'm a Computer Science graduate of St. Stephen's College Delhi. I'm very much interested in personal finance, economics, investments, trading, blogging, digital marketing, fundamental analysis. software development.

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