Apr 13, 2017
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Software Engineer Built iPhone 6s for Just $300

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iPhone 6s is a “premium” Smartphone, only because of its build quality…!!!!


Scotty Allen, former software engineer decided to find out, If you could build an iPhone from spare parts, would it still be “premium”?. The former software engineer visited Shenzhen for building an iPhone from spare parts that are available in China. He tried to see if he could collect the required pieces to put together to make an iPhone 6s, and he succeeded.

He also concluded that iPhone 7 parts were too difficult to come by, so he tried building of iPhone 6s. He built a just-like-new 16GB iPhone 6s using components bought off vendors in the smartphone parts markets of Huaqiangbei.

Allen’s iPhone 6s has got all the features such as working Touch ID and functional 3D Touch like the original IPhone 6s, because he managed to purchase the home button and logic board together.


However, though Allen says on Reddit that he spent “well over $1000” to build the iPhone, a large chunk of that sum went towards extra parts, replacing broken components, and unnecessary tools he purchase. He believes that the realistic amount he spent on the iPhone 6s was actually closer to $300. 

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Digital investor | Tech Enthusiast | Developer | Blogger | Nomad. I'm a Computer Science graduate of St. Stephen's College Delhi. I'm very much interested in personal finance, economics, investments, trading, blogging, digital marketing, fundamental analysis. software development.

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